Early-bird application deadline: 15 May 2024
Final deadline: 30 June 2024
Notification of acceptance: 7 days after the application deadline.
Each active participant will obtain a certificate of participation with 3 ECTS credits, which you may get recognised at your home university.
You can apply for the summer school here. The instructions are available in this document.
Erasmus+ students are eligible for obtaining financial grants at their home universities.
Applying for an Erasmus+ grant
You need to check with your International Relations Office at your university about the application process for an Erasmus+ grant.
Students attending BIPs are entitled to financial support for the duration of their physical mobility. You receive 70 EUR/day for every day of the physical mobility and for two extra travelling days (if you use them). In case of green travel, you are entitled to four extra travelling days and additional support for green travel. Students with fewer opportunities may also receive additional financial support.
You will receive an Acceptance Letter and a confirmed Learning Agreement from the BIP organiser. You should forward these documents to the International Relations Office at your home institution when applying for financial support.
Accommodation and travel costs for the physical event in Slovenia are covered by the participants. The University of Maribor will provide you with accommodation at the student dormitory in Maribor (price: 140,00 EUR for the entire duration of the summer school). The University of Maribor will also offer you one meal (lunch or dinner) per day free of charge.
Who can apply:
prospective, curious students of any field
students from all over the world
Selection criteria*
Students from Erasmus partner universities (Erasmus+ BIP)
Gender (in order to prevent domination of one gender)
*max. 40 students in total shall be selected.
More information:
International Relations Office of the University of Maribor: